Friday, December 7, 2012

Brand Identity: It Starts with a Name

If you are about to start a small business, one of the first marketing activities is to select a business name. Your business name can either make or break your company. The perfect name can help drive new business, generate buzz and appear established and credible. The wrong name can quickly turn your new venture into obscurity and failure.

In an ideal world, your name and brand identity should convey the talent, value and uniqueness that sets your product or serves apart from the competition.

There are three schools of thought on selecting a business name. First, some experts believe abstract names allow a business to start with a blank slate with which to create an identity, such as the name Agile Group. Agile is a familiar word, but we can’t tell if it’s an IT company or some other type of business consultant.

Second, other experts think a name should be informational and immediately tell your customers exactly what you do, such as Johnson Mortgage Services. There is no question that this business is going to help you mortgage a home.

The third option is to be so abstract you coin a new word or phrase that no one has ever heard of to label their product or service. Pharmaceutical and car manufacturers are notorious for doing this by creating names like Tylenol and Prius that have no preconceived notion.


Just Design can help create a brand identity for your business. Together, we can create a name that takes all the guesswork out of success. We will decide what you want to communicate to your customers. This message should reinforce the key elements of your business and perhaps why you started it in the first place. Taking into account your competition and high-level corporations we come up with not only a name, but also a brand with a plan. Find out how Just Design can help you today. Contact Abagail Pumphrey at:

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